Our value proposition

We provide greater value to our clients, and to our people, than traditional law firms.

Client value

Aldermane was founded on the belief that law firms can provide better value for money to their clients while maintaining the quality, reputation, and professionalism of a larger firm.

Through our collaborative approach to legal service delivery, our clients benefit from:

A top-tier boutique.

Our people have top-tier backgrounds, whilst providing services with the personal touch of a boutique.

We maximise value by cutting out the costs incurred by traditional firms. These savings are passed on to our clients, meaning that we can provide top-tier quality advice at boutique prices.

A flexible approach to pricing.

We are flexible, and take a client-first approach to service delivery and to our fee structures.

Our pricing is based on what is best for our clients, not what is best for us. If a client wishes to engage us in a particular way, or under a particular fee model, we will make it happen.  

An efficient and accountable team.

We are directly accountable to our clients through our lean management structure.

This allows us to make agile and efficient decisions that deliver greater value to our clients, unencumbered by the internal conflicts or management layers present in a larger firm.

Employee value

Our people-first approach is reflected in Aldermane’s core tenet – we are our people. We believe that our clients are best served by bringing together a high-quality team from various personal and professional backgrounds.

We achieve this by focusing on value distribution among our people, through:

Above-market salaries.

We pay our people above market rates, while providing greater flexibility and work-life balance.

This is achieved by ensuring that most of the value captured in our business is passed on to our employees through a low overhead operating model, rather than requiring our people to work hours above-and-beyond what is reasonable, or undertaking unnecessary tasks that distract from what our people do best.

Client and team-based incentives.

Our incentives are aligned with client satisfaction and employee contributions on a 'best for firm' basis, without the traditional financial pressures of a larger firm.

We implement a transparent performance framework that incentivises and rewards our people for maximising client service and team-based values, personal growth and development, and cultural fit - rather than billable targets.

Professional development.

We provide a clear career path supported by a structured professional development program.

Progression is not treated as an afterthought or based on internal politics at Aldermane – it occurs in an environment which is transparent and achievable, and where our people are supported through learning, mentoring, and leadership initiatives.