Consulting and strategic advisory services

Aldermane Adapt - enabling project outcomes by delivering on our promises.

What is Aldermane Adapt?

Complex challenges require more than just a legal lens to reduce operational and project risks. Aldermane Adapt complements our core legal offering with the following adjacent services:


Commercial and contracts advisory

We provide commercial and contracting services over the lifecycle of major projects (from requirements definition to delivery), ensuring the achievement of scope, schedule, and budget outcomes through commercial best practice and adherence to procurement policy.


Financial services

We provide the full-spectrum of financial advice across the Government enterprise, including project budget services, cost modelling, and financial audit for programs and procurements.


Strategic advisory services

We provide strategic advice on the establishment and delivery of major projects, including project execution strategies, procurement structuring and contract models, supply chain and industrial base development, and workforce growth and retention initiatives.


Program and project managemet

We advise on major Government projects and program teams on strategy, implementation, delivery, and policy to successfully deliver on-time and on-budget. This includes all stages of project delivery, such as preparation of planning documentation, scheduling services, integrated logistics, scoping, and requirements definition.


International agreements and export approvals

We advise on the execution of international government-to-government agreements, data transfer requests, memorandums of understanding, and on issues relating to the application of export controls (such as the ITARs) to ensure compliance, avoid delays, and reduce costs.

Rory Alexander

Managing Partner
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Shaun Toussaint

Principal Consultant (PM)
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Shiva Sapkota

Principal Consultant (Financial)
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